!±8±Tanita BC552 Ironman InnerScan Body Composition Monitor for Top Tier Athletes
Brand : TanitaRate :

Price : $59.99
Post Date : Dec 20, 2011 00:00:49
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Tanita, the technology leader in scales now introduces Ironman InnerScan. The BC 552 Innerscan Body Composition Monitor is a unique and highly accurate body composition monitor. This scale not only reads your body weight and body fat %, it also gives measurements for body water%, basal metabolic rate (BMR), and muscle mass. The Body Water % is the total amount of fluid in the body expressed as a percentage of total weight. The BMR is the daily minimum level of energy or calories your body requires when resting (including sleeping) to function effectively. The muscle mass feature indicates the weight of muscle in your body. It is made of white plastic with gray accents. The unique features include an easy to read 2.25 LCD Display with 4 person memory. The Weight, Body Fat, Body Water, and Muscle Mass Recall function allows users to see the previous reading. The scale has the weight capacity of 330 lb (150 kg) with the increments of 0.2 lb (0.1 kg). The Body Fat and Body Water readings are in increments of 0.1%. The Healthy Range Indicator bar shows where the body fat % fits into the healthy body fat range. The scale has a Guest Mode as well as an Athlete mode which is ideal for frequent exercisers. The Weight Only Mode allows you to use the scale a regular bath scale. The scale includes 4 AA batteries. When each feature result is being displayed, the feature icons light up.
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